The following wild cards are supported:
- "@" = any number of any type of characters
- "#" = any number of numeric characters (pduF#:: would return pduF1::, pduF12::, pduF123::, ....)
- "&" = any number of non-whitespace characters
- "$" = can preceed any special field search (COM, p, F, Ph) (comment, plasmid, F plasmid, phage)
- The character "*" is no longer a wildcard and can be used directly in a search string.
- " OR " statements can be used in any text box below.
- Certain characters can only be sought if preceded by a backslash ("\"). Among these are "@", "#", "&", "$" and "+". There may be others, so if your search gives absurd results, try inserting "\" before any unusual characters.
For more information click here.
This search engine was created by McKell Carter using the Perl language. Send bug reports or suggestions to mckellcarter at
Last Update: Thursday, 12-Dec-2024 00:53:13 UTC
Eric Kofoid
eckofoid at